Cosmic energy barometer
December 2024
Pluto in Aquarius, a furious December start, revolutionary energies, a new era, a new YOU, a new WE.
Welcome to the future of breaking boundaries, breaking out, breaking up…
Pluto in Aquarius, a furious December start, revolutionary energies, a new era, a new YOU, a new WE.
Welcome to the future of breaking boundaries, breaking out, breaking up…
The time has come, we are now entering the biggest change that humanity has ever experienced. Pluto, the great transformer, has finally arrived in Aquarius on 19 November and will remain here until 2044, using its energy to change the way an entire generation thinks. What an exciting and fascinating time lies ahead of us. Expansion!!! A rising out of the old, low vibrating matrix of fear and smallness, of lack, manipulation and control, of old belief patterns and behaviours, as well as out of the false constructs of our ego. An awakening from many a slumber and the Sleeping Beauty comfort zones as well as an awakening into our empowerment, into our divine essence.
Pluto in Aquarius symbolises the spiritual renewal of humanity. It stands for the death of old beliefs, behaviours and thought structures. Boundaries can now be broken down. The way is clear for ‘the NEW’ such as innovations, revolutionary ideas, new technologies, therapies, spontaneous healing, mediumship, intuition, universal well-being, abundance, freedom, independence and much more.
Pluto in Aquarius also stands for radical change and renewal in all areas: The economy, finances/financial systems, public authorities, the school system, the labour system, healthcare and, and, and
And the start couldn’t be more furious. December, 10 portal days in a row, 2 new moons in one month, magical energy gates, the winter solstice, the Rough Nights and an additional 4 portal days ‘on top’. So the cosmos is reaching out its hands to us for the many ‘new starts’ that are now imminent.
Despite everything that awaits us, we can take a deep breath in the energy of the winter magic season, lovingly ‘dive down’ and tune into healing energies in order to re-balance our peace of mind. To finally become aware of our boundless creative power, which now wants to be consciously moulded and lived through our thoughts. This is also the Pluto energy in Aquarius. We would like to support you here with our Winter Magic offers this year.
Pluto in Aquarius is also a time quality in which more and more soulmates and soulmates will meet in order to live the new heart energy, to create projects together that are beneficial to all, …the new ‘YOU and WE feeling’. Healing encounters are also part of this. Relationships that have been built on expectations are now coming more clearly into consciousness in order to be able to clarify and change them and adapt them to the higher vibrating relationship energy of the new era. We now perceive our own divinity, our divine love, as well as the divinity of others and their divine love more and more clearly. It is as if this divine love suddenly explodes thanks to the permanent influx of light.
We can now recognise and free ourselves from the shackles of social norms and personal demands that have defined our own identity. Letting go of assumed roles and learned behaviours, dropping masks and discovering who you really are beneath the layers of expectations, ideas and norms of others and yourself. Becoming authentic, revealing your true self. … Pluto in Aquarius.
This expansion is not just a personal journey, but a collective one, as we all contribute to the creation of a new collective experience of reality.
The start to the magical winter season couldn’t be more furious.
This new moon supports us with its completion energy of old drama themes within us, as well as the dramas that we are still living or experiencing on the outside. Divine love puts out its feelers and begins to expand massively.
10 consecutive, highly energised portal days on which the veils to the spiritual world, our spiritual guidance and our ancestors are very thin. 10 highly energised days for our spiritual development and inner transformation work. Due to the high energy and the thin veil on portal days, we experience a greater awareness of our inner world and our inner processes, as we can more easily connect with ourselves and our essence. Old ‘soul rubbish’ that has accumulated in the course of our current life, as well as in all our previous lives, is easy to recognise during this time. This includes, for example, old thought constructs, old concepts, beliefs, habits, expectation mechanisms, fears, etc., which were created or taken over by ourselves. In this way, old accusations, resentments, feelings of guilt and recriminations can be more easily forgiven.
Old fear loops can also show themselves in order to be released. Here are a few examples:
as well as:
Special supportive rituals and practices with which you can free yourself from the old and restrictive, as well as your connection to the universe and your spiritual development are e.g:
The other portal days are: 19, 22, 27 and 30 December. On 30 December we also have the 2nd new moon in December. What a mystical transition into the new year.
The time between the magical stargate on 12 December and the magical winter solstice on 21 December is a highly energetic space for healing work and self-reflection. Awareness of our own self-love and self-acceptance are of great importance here. We are also encouraged to activate our soul potential, to expand our true self and to ignite even more soul fire.
In doing so, limiting thought structures of our old ‘3D ego mind’ such as
and to boldly swing into the new Pluto-Aquarius consciousness of ‘everything is possible’, which comes through our true, our divine self.
This true self knows that it is creator and that there are no limits for a creator. That limits only exist in our old, lower 3D mind. Our true self knows about the magical power and force of our thoughts and words and the reality, the world we create with them. In general, the time is now beginning when our mind is becoming ‘softer’. It becomes more and more integrated into the interplay of heart-mind and intellect and begins to live its true heart-mind wisdom.
With the energy of the magical 12.12. gate, which is pure source manifestation power, we are given the opportunity to increase the frequency of our light body, to enter higher dimensional realms of consciousness in order to feel the energy of fulfilment. Our light body, which consists of several layers of light and is our vehicle, is also referred to as our MerKaBa. On this day and the days following, you can also support yourself with the >>MerKaBa sphere or cube to make it easier to integrate and manifest these high vibrations within you. The 12.12. gate energy also supports us in activating further DNA strands.
The winter solstice on 21 December, the next magical gateway, is not only the deepest and longest night of the year. The winter solstice marks the beginning of the rebirth of light and a new beginning. Light begins to triumph over darkness again. On the night of the winter solstice, witches and magicians bid farewell to everything that has remained hidden in the dark and welcome the light. With it comes a certain stillness and reflection, as well as much cleansing and clarification. It is also the gate opener for the energy of the Rough Nights that follow, which begin on 24 December, extend over the next 12 days and nights and end on 6 January. The energy work with the >> Light Healing Circle ‘Cosmos-Earth’ can be a wonderful support for you on all levels.
The Rough Nights are a time of inner contemplation, of looking back and looking ahead, of formulating your own wishes for the new year. The 12 rough nights, each representing one of the next 12 months in the coming year, have their own special energy that makes it easy for us to get in touch with our ancestors as well as with our own source. You can use various rituals to support yourself during this magical time and for the coming year.
Energy work with the >> Light Healing Circle ‘Cosmos-Earth’ can also be a wonderful support on all levels.
…for the whole family, for our state of mind and our health
Not only do all these frequencies affect our state of mind, they can also block our cellular frequency from vibrating at a lower level, which in turn can lead to health problems. So it is more crucial than ever to consciously pay attention to a more coherent and holistic energy vibration in your home, your premises, your workplace and your environment.
Not forgetting electric cars, which can influence our well-being with their massive electromagnetic fields. The Guardian L and the Light-Crystal pyramids can provide support here.
Space and body clearing is the be-all and end-all here. Find out more about this under: >>House/Building Clearing and under: >>AuraClearing
Helpful light crystals in the clearing process are:
Current ascension and adjustment symptoms
In the energetically furious start to December, there may be an increase in ascension and adjustment symptoms on both the mental-emotional and physical levels, as the density of our bodies can change rapidly and we shift into higher frequencies of consciousness. And thanks to all the energy constellations mentioned, coupled with the ongoing strong solar flares and the high intensity of the cosmic light streaming in, our soul light can activate further. In general, the body aligns itself more and more with our soul. Changing timelines also means that our body is constantly re-calibrating itself, adapting to the higher vibrations, leaving the carbon-based body further behind and switching to the light body.
This requires a great deal of understanding for ourselves and our bodies. Resting and resting again and again is the big issue. Letting your mind wander. Small or large time-outs become something we take for granted. If we don’t give them to ourselves, they will be given to us.
Many people are currently dealing with flare-ups of sore throats and fibromyalgia. Our body wants us to look at the other side of the ‘illness coin’ and make the appropriate changes.
Sore throat
Communication – expressing your true self – speaking for yourself
A sore throat calls you to look inwards and recognise unpleasant truths, to ask yourself: ‘What do I no longer want to swallow or accept?’, to say critical things out loud, to recognise your own needs and live them again, to follow your heart and say what you really think more often.
The >>Guardian L and the >>aqua blue energy wheels can be great helpers here.
Connective tissue – support – commitment – strength
Fibromyalgia stands, among other things, for the fear of change, preferring to hold on to the familiar, even if it is painful, stuck mental and emotional movement. It calls for rethinking relationships and working conditions, recognising mental and emotional immobility and resolving blockages.
Cellular transformation
Yes, we are changing on a molecular level – cellular transformation – and this acceleration of energy that needs to be absorbed by the body is sent through the central nervous system.
So many people may be dealing with the following additional ascension and adjustment symptoms right now:
The following light crystals can support you with the physical and mental-emotional sensitivities in the adjustment process:
For cleansing your aura body and chakras
Energy sessions for cleansing, adaptation forcing and vibration raising
Do you feel that your body system is calling for quick and intensive ‘energetic body system hygiene’?
Use the Calmings XL in the clear or gold set especially for this.
Place them around a chair with the long side facing the chair. Sit on the chair for 5 minutes and enjoy how everything that needs to be cleansed and neutralised is cleansed and neutralised.
Then place the 4 Calmings with the diagonal side facing the chair and enjoy for 5 minutes how your body systems are recharged with new energy.
HouseClearing – creating healing oases
It is just as important to keep your environment, your home, your house, your workplace etc. energetically clean and protected and to create spaces for ‘refuelling’ – healing oases. The sets of the four Calmings (XL gold and clear) are the great cleanser of harmful vibrational information, electrosmog, a low vibrational environment and other radiation pollution. >>> more info
A bright and blessed magical winter season, a reflective Christmas and a gentle slide into the New Year, with its overwhelming changes and wonders.
And a little fable to go with it.
Trust yourself, …the fable of the frogs
One day, the frogs decided to organise a race. To make it particularly difficult, they set themselves the goal of reaching the highest point of a large tower. On the day of the race, many other frogs gathered to watch.
Then finally – the race began. Now, none of the frogs watching really believed that even one of the participating frogs could actually reach the finish line. (Our old 3D thinking that under the Pluto-Aquarius energy will undergo a serious change)
So instead of cheering the runners on, they were shouting ‘Oh dear, the poor things! They’ll never make it!’ or “That’s just impossible!” or ’You’ll never make it!’ And it really seemed as if the audience was right, as more and more frogs gradually gave up.
The audience continued to shout: ‘Oh dear, the poor things! They’ll never make it!’ (Our old 3D thinking that will undergo a serious change under the Pluto-Aquarius energy)
And indeed, all the frogs soon gave up – all except one, who climbed up the steep tower undaunted – and was the only one to reach the finish.
The spectator frogs were completely baffled and all wanted to know how this was possible. One of the other competing frogs approached him to ask how he had managed to win the race. And only then did they realise that this frog was deaf!
in Light and love on your path to yourself
Nat. manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner: holistic pain therapy, medial transformation coach, trauma therapy, energetic family/ancestor constellation work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, light-energy work, room and house clearing, energy work, space and house clearing. G. Klügel, light-energy work, space and house clearing
Do you need support on your path to healing? Then write to me privately