The peach-colored Light:
Joy, cheerfulness, pure joy of life, enthusiasm, the feeling to do what is right with your life plan / soul plan, the union of our ego with our heart energy, healing of the ancient pain of separateness, healing of the separation of female and male energy, the peach-colored ray of creation, ray 11
Important properties to integrate creation ray 11 into your life.
- Honesty
- Inner peace.
- Joy of life and enthusiasm (which are closely connected)
The qualities of the Peach colored Light:
- Develop and live “enthusiasm”
- Take pleasure in new projects
- Release new possibilities
- Awaken in being and cheerfulness,
- Bring heaven to earth
- Contains the vision of peace for all beings
- Know that every loving thought and every loving word brings about a change in the collective field
- Inner peace
The peach colored Light:
- Connection with the peach-colored radius of creation, ray 11, Ascended Master Maitreya, Archangel Pepetiel
- Integration of divine heart quality joy
- your inner child and to live his joy
- the feeling I am connected to “knowing”
- recognize your soul plan, manifest your soul energy
- accept and implement your life goals and tasks with joy, enthusiasm and eagerness
- recognize what can still be changed to be completely yourself
- the unconditional dedication to yourself
- helps to find the source within yourself and to stop the desire of searching
- healing of ancient “separation”pain
- union of our ego with our heart energy
- letting go of the separation of male and female energy in us
- co-ordinates like-minded people in groups and network
- depression, anger and sadness begin to lose face
The peach colored Light and the peach-colored creation ray (Ray 11)
The guardian / companion of the peach-colored radius of creation is Ascended Master Lord Maitreya. He is accompanied by Archangel Perpetiel. It is the eleventh divine ray that acts as a gate between the heart chakra and the solar plexus, supporting us in the union of the ego with the heart energy.
Buddha predicted the return of the enlightened Buddha Maitreya more than 2,500 years ago. Lord Maitreya is considered the pioneer of the golden age.
The era of:
- Golden Peace
- Friendliness
- Abundance
- Connection to the Divine Matrix
- Awaken in Higher Dimensions
- Joy
- Enthusiasm and bliss
- The awakening of the Cosmic Christ within us
- The boundless love vibration
- Inner peace
- The knowledge of unity
As a divine being Lord Maitreya in itself connects the energies of Christ, Mary and Mary Magdalene and with it the feminine and masculine energy. At this moment it is mainly the divine feminine energy on earth that needs attention, whereby we can let go of old things and heal the separation of the male and female energy. Once the equality of these two energies on earth is reached, many painful themes such as poverty can be solved.
The liberation of the separation of female and male energy begins in ourselves and this is exactly what Lord Maitreya supports us with. The energy of Lord Maitreya in combination with the energy of the peach-colored radius of creation brings people to loving and unconditional devotion to themselves- self- love. This is the energy from the peach colored Light.
The peach-colored Light supports us in awakening inner knowledge, finding our own way / life plan, striving for self-realization with joy and enthusiasm and bringing the feminine and masculine energy into harmony within ourselves.
Archangel Perpetiel who accompanies Lord Maitreya supports us to understand that first and foremost the unconditional and joyful devotion comes to us. When we have understood in our hearts that only through this unconditional surrender to ourselves we can become more and more one within ourselves, our ego and our heart energy can begin to resonate in a joyous unity and our Christ consciousness can open like a flower.
The energy of the peach-colored Light also supports us to let go of old injuries. This creates space for letting go of old ideas such as challenges that are seen as punishment, fate, or as imperfections of another person or even of themselves.
It supports us in making new choices through which challenges in life can be viewed from the perspective of joy and we recognize that everything that happens has a higher meaning.