Highly Sensitive Person
Highly sensitive children
More and more children are getting caught between the ‘old’ world and the ‘new’ world, which they would like to create from their own vision, talents and gifts.
What can we, as parents, educators, coaches and teachers, do to guide our children, who are also called New Age children?
Barbara Veer, author of the book ‘Hello, I am Gwen’, has a clear vision about this.
The starting point from which the book was written is that ‘everything children need is already self-contained’. And that they themselves are the key to the ‘new world’.
All we have to do is provide this key…
This book is also read by adults, in order to better guide children and young people to gain inner strength.
But what is this key?
One important key is to make our children/young people themselves more aware and powerful. From the inside, by reconnecting them with their inner core (inner child).
Barbara has written several articles about this as a guest author and coach.