Wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge, joy, serenity, opening to the divine source, liberation of deceptions, errors and illusions, understanding, joyful learning, the connection with the golden-yellow creation ray, the second ray
Confucius, the Chohan / guardian of the yellow ray said: The wise man knows he does not know. Knowledge is a characteristic of the mind and must be learned. Wisdom can not be learned, it comes from the heart and is part of every soul. It stems from knowledge, consciousness and integration of the soul energy. The golden-yellow light helps to reconnect again with the wisdom of the heart, the soul and the divine plan. Recognize and get rid of illusions and errors. Gloomy and negative thoughts can dissolve with the energy of the golden yellow light, so that a clear perception can take up space again and a new ‘ideas’ can be attracted. ‘Spiritual flashes’, which encourage us to leave the beaten track and go our own light path, belong to the aspects of the golden light, as well as vitality, life energy, self-development and flowering.
Properties of the Yellow Light:
- joy of life, liveliness, self-development and prosperity
- go our way confidently, even in difficult situations
- freeing themselves from mistakes / mistakes, illusions and deceptions
- record mental connections
- to take responsibility for your own progress
- to consciously allow the inner wisdom of his heart and soul
- his divine plan, recognize and follow his light-path
- experience joy in learning and discovery
- serenity, peace and patience
The golden Light and the golden-yellow creation ray, the second ray
The golden-yellow radius of creation is managed by the Ascended Master Confucius and accompanied by archangel Jophiel. His aspects are: wisdom, enlightenment, knowledge, joy, opening up to the divine source, liberation from deception, understanding, serenity, trust. He has reference to: Tuesday, the constellation of lobster, the gems Citrin and glass-pure rock crystal Crown chakra (head, fontanelle, headache, migraine, brain) to the cosmic law: as above so below and is the manifestation of enlightenment, wisdom, joy
Master Confucius, Chohan / guardian of the 2nd ray, the golden-yellow creation ray and the energy of this ray.
Ascended Master Confucius stands for divine wisdom, knowledge, enlightenment, recognizing the divine plan and for joy and cheerfulness. As a Chohan / keeper of the gold / yellow ray, he assists us to recognize our divine plan, our light path and to come into contact with our inner wisdom again. To inspire us for new knowledge and thereby heal old programs in ourselves. Mistakes / mistakes that we as humans are subjected to can be brought to light with the golden ray and recognized as illusion. Often they are beliefs, opinions, ideas of others that we have adopted in our childhood and still live as our own truth. This has consequences. Holding this can lead to conflicts in relationships with your partner, family systems, business, politics and much more.
The golden ray supports us to free you from fear, that your own truth can be a mistake and helps you take responsibility for personal development. If we miss this energy, there is a tendency to fear, weakness, lack of perseverance, inferiority complexes, hypersensitivity, or to respond to hurt too quickly. A strong need to be loved or to love also points to a lack of the energy of the golden ray. The golden ray, also referred to as the light of the sun, illuminates us on dark days, in dark seasons, in depressive phases or with inner heaviness, discouragement and depression