Every month we have very special offers for you, your path of inner healing, your health, your development, for space clearing, for light energy work with animals and much more.
In the world we live in at the moment, a lot is demanded of us and our energy. It is not uncommon for our energy source to be affected in such a way that we feel tired, unhappy and sick. Our products can help you protect your energy from external influences.
A number of our products have a major influence on the energy in rooms. These products can be used to harmonize living rooms, offices, bedrooms, shops. The individual products in this category describe how to use them for this purpose.
If you are a therapist, our products can help you make your treatments more effective and lighter. Of course there are also special Ascension treatments, but our products can also be integrated into your own therapy
For your information, as from 1st October 2021 we are charging shipping expenses, you can find the rules in the Frequently asked questions page. Click here.