The Green light, the truth of the heart, experiencing healing, healing ancient emotional wounds, opening of the third eye, inner vision, clairvoyance, concentration, surrender, love, letting go of connections with earthbound spirits, green ray of creation, the 5th ray.
The green Light – dare to be faithful to yourself
The Emerald Light … following the deep truth of our hearts, trust our heart, our feelings carried by softness and security
The Emerald Light embodies the principle of healing at all levels. In conscious connection with this ray we can experience healing from ancient emotional wounds, physical healing, as well as healing in interpersonal relationships.
In contact with this energy we learn to be more flexible, to easily recognize when we should listen to our heart and intuition rather than our mind.
With the opening of the forehead chakra, the third eye, and the activation of our inner vision and our clairvoyance, we can experience a new wholeness and unity in our being. We recognize our place and our mission in the cosmic plan and in earthly life. We gain insight into the higher laws.
Properties of the Green Light:
- Connection with the green radius of creation (radius 5), Ascended Master Hilarion, Archangel Raphael
- Living the light, the truth of your heart, experiencing inner healing
- Trust the inner voice, follow
- Letting go of doubt, skepticism, fears and rigid attitudes of prejudices and judgments towards others
- Helps to let go of the feeling of envy and jealousy, to get out of the feeling of being “cheated” after divorces
- Opening of the forehead chakra, 3rd eye, training of the inner vision
- Clairvoyance, intuition, contact with your higher self
- Letting go of earth-bound spirits that are with you.
- Has connection with the forehead chakra (3rd eye), the eyes, optic nerve, face, rheumatic diseases, chest and back pain, the cosmic law of cycles, the in and out breath of life / existence, the manifestation of truth and healing
The Green Light and the emerald green ray of creation (ray 5)
The Chohan / Guardian of the emerald green ray of creation is Ascended Master Hilarion accompanied by Archangel Raphael. This ray represents the ray of truth, concentration and healing. It supports the activation of our perception by our third eye, the way to a higher consciousness. This will make it easier for us to feel when we wander off our path and what we need to do to experience a lasting sense of happiness and satisfaction. The ray helps us to recognize the power of our thoughts and spoken words. His energy and power of concentration lead us deep inside ourselves, where we encounter our own strength as well as our own light and shadow realm, so that we can liberate ourselves from a victim role and fully stand in our own creative power.
Archangel Raphael: He is The Angel of healing and the companion of Master Hilarion. With him we experience great support in the field of healing. Lovingly he encourages us and helps us to view diseases from a higher perspective. Through his knowledge he leads us to the causes of illness, which are usually on a deeper level of our soul. Archangel Raphael tells us that every disease is a guide that takes us back to our path when we have erred from it.
The green Light … dancing on the wings of inner light, the truth of the heart, inner vision,uniqueness and grandeur.
Through new thought patterns that correspond to inner truth and order, we experience a new power and a new impulse to accept our greatness and uniqueness and to take our place in the order of the divine creation as a free individual and thus who we are meant to be.
Through the green Light we experience time and again impulses and signs that give us the courage to trust our own wisdom, inner voice and guidance, to live spiritually , leading from the heart , the truth of our heart. The Light supports with its energy earth-bound spirits to go to the light and let go of their connections to people.