Neutralization and Harmonization
Normal price: € 592,- special set price € 520,-
Protect and clean a room / house or piece of land
Normal price: € 656- special set price €610-
Protect and clean a room / house or piece of land
The MerKaBa sphere shakes up the male structure so that the new structure can emerge, at one with the feminine.
MerKaBa cube
The high-vibration light crystal tools – energized with the pure and clear Creation energy embedded in the sacred geometry, they generate a high-frequency vibration, which can have a clarifying, activating, harmonizing and healing effect on the energy fields of our body as well as on all other energy fields. This high-frequency vibration leads to an impulse in every cell and atom that supports the memory of its original function and vibration, its divine order, which can activate self-healing powers.
Be in the form of an intuitive light massage during treatment, or placed directly on the body, the characteristics of the Tools can be intensified by other Tools. They can also be placed on photos or under pillows