2025 a year of fulfillment and new possibilities
Something very special is happening in 2025. All the planets change signs and bring us magical and challenging storms of adventures of change and renewal. 2025 is the year in which visions become reality. In which old cycles come to an end and we grow as a community. In doing so, we will emerge from the divisions we have created and realise once again that we are connected to everything and how important it is to respect ourselves and others.
Pluto – pure transformation
Pluto has already finally settled into the starry Aquarius in November 2024 and will remain there until 2044. Pluto stands for transformation, revolution and renewal, for breaking through old structures to make room for something new. It lovingly forces us to become authentic and to take new paths. After years of – sometimes – exhausting setbacks, things are now moving forward! Pluto in Aquarius; we can finally step on the gas.
Huge upheavals – Neptune – Uranus
Two other giants, Neptune & Uranus, change signs shortly after Pluto. Uranus goes into Gemini, ensuring that true science gets a boost. Neptune goes into Aries. Saturn and Neptune also meet in Aries. The last time this “conjunction” of the two planets occurred was in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell. We are facing enormous upheavals. Saturn also goes into Pisces, which is about spiritual depth and emotional development.
2025, a year in which we will once again experience a tremendous acceleration and increase in energies. Pure solar flares and solar storms. A year in which reality seems to accelerate at an unprecedented pace and will move forward at a speed that makes us feel like we are constantly in the fast lane.
2025 , a year with so many innovations, so many new discoveries and medium-ship as a clear expansion of consciousness. Illusions that meet realities and cause profound changes in human consciousness.
2025, the return to unity consciousness, the activation of heart consciousness, heart intelligence, heart mind. Love as the driving force, entering new levels of being, recreating oneself, creating a new “we-feeling”.
2025, freedom, authentic living, innovation, healing, paradigm shift
2025, farewell to the old world, immerse yourself in the new world of high vibrations
2025, the density of events will be extremely rapid and everything that is not true will be catapulted into the light at top speed, both within ourselves and on the world stage. Everything will become “airier”, more information-driven and will bring our old world to a boil.
The high light waves and the energies of the various planetary constellations, which are now penetrating with unprecedented intensity, are helping to revolutionize our planetary energy and initiate a profound reset for us humans. This will give us great support, among other things, in breaking down old thought patterns and thinking far beyond personal boundaries.
2025, a year of storms of rebellion and clean-up, within ourselves and in the world. Stand up and stand up for yourself. The masks of many institutions, organizations and also people fall. True intentions are revealed. How do institutions, organizations and certain people in public life, like me, act?
In the heart energy or in the concealment through manipulation and/or corruption. The old energy can no longer be held. The concealment of the truth comes to the table. Power struggles become apparent. The “old” economy is also showing its true face and is collapsing. The big issue of guilt, feeling guilty, being guilty – especially as a collective issue – and also caused by “state” indoctrinated guilt complexes, is starting to break free.