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Cosmic Energy Barometer January 2025

Welcome to the furious year 2025

The year of absolute acceleration, of top speeds, the fast lanes

We pack 10 years into one year
2025, pure adventure, rapid changes and renewals
and at the same time reaching for the stars,
innovation, spirituality, magic, healing

2025, a year like we have never experienced before

Immerse yourself in pure adventures of infectious waves of massive changes in all areas of our lives. Letting go of the completely new, the dance of falling masks, waking up from so many old Sleeping Beauty sleeps. Stepping out of everything that feels tight, that doesn’t let us move freely. Shedding our old programs in which we still think, feel and create. Emptying the false self. Stepping into what wants to emerge without knowing exactly how. TRUST…, learning to love the unknown. Quantum leaps in consciousness, on the world stage.


    2025.. .emerge like a phoenix

from the ashes.

2025 a year of fulfillment and new possibilities

Something very special is happening in 2025. All the planets change signs and bring us magical and challenging storms of adventures of change and renewal. 2025 is the year in which visions become reality. In which old cycles come to an end and we grow as a community. In doing so, we will emerge from the divisions we have created and realise once again that we are connected to everything and how important it is to respect ourselves and others.


Pluto – pure transformation

Pluto has already finally settled into the starry Aquarius in November 2024 and will remain there until 2044. Pluto stands for transformation, revolution and renewal, for breaking through old structures to make room for something new. It lovingly forces us to become authentic and to take new paths. After years of – sometimes – exhausting setbacks, things are now moving forward! Pluto in Aquarius; we can finally step on the gas.


Huge upheavals – Neptune – Uranus

Two other giants, Neptune & Uranus, change signs shortly after Pluto. Uranus goes into Gemini, ensuring that true science gets a boost. Neptune goes into Aries. Saturn and Neptune also meet in Aries. The last time this “conjunction” of the two planets occurred was in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell. We are facing enormous upheavals. Saturn also goes into Pisces, which is about spiritual depth and emotional development.


2025, a year in which we will once again experience a tremendous acceleration and increase in energies. Pure solar flares and solar storms. A year in which reality seems to accelerate at an unprecedented pace and will move forward at a speed that makes us feel like we are constantly in the fast lane.


2025 , a year with so many innovations, so many new discoveries and medium-ship as a clear expansion of consciousness. Illusions that meet realities and cause profound changes in human consciousness.


2025, the return to unity consciousness, the activation of heart consciousness, heart intelligence, heart mind. Love as the driving force, entering new levels of being, recreating oneself, creating a new “we-feeling”.


2025, freedom, authentic living, innovation, healing, paradigm shift


2025, farewell to the old world, immerse yourself in the new world of high vibrations


2025, the density of events will be extremely rapid and everything that is not true will be catapulted into the light at top speed, both within ourselves and on the world stage. Everything will become “airier”, more information-driven and will bring our old world to a boil.
The high light waves and the energies of the various planetary constellations, which are now penetrating with unprecedented intensity, are helping to revolutionize our planetary energy and initiate a profound reset for us humans. This will give us great support, among other things, in breaking down old thought patterns and thinking far beyond personal boundaries.


2025, a year of storms of rebellion and clean-up, within ourselves and in the world. Stand up and stand up for yourself. The masks of many institutions, organizations and also people fall. True intentions are revealed. How do institutions, organizations and certain people in public life, like me, act?

In the heart energy or in the concealment through manipulation and/or corruption. The old energy can no longer be held. The concealment of the truth comes to the table. Power struggles become apparent. The “old” economy is also showing its true face and is collapsing. The big issue of guilt, feeling guilty, being guilty – especially as a collective issue – and also caused by “state” indoctrinated guilt complexes, is starting to break free.

2025 Acceleration of frequencies

Yes, frequencies are speeding up. This is especially true for our mental frequencies, which are now becoming super fast. This in turn means that we create new consciousness, act and communicate faster. There will be no point in mourning the old. We will also move into a much, much deeper feeling.

It will be less and less possible for us to be or do what we are not really (our false self) and what we really love; be it in our job, in relationships, etc. The inner call for change, to live what corresponds to our “true self”, what really makes us happy, will become ever clearer. It will be increasingly difficult for us to continue to maintain the roles we have played. No stone will be left un-turned.

Sometimes you may feel like you can’t keep up, that you have to “rush” to keep up. Here it is more important than ever to pause and “ground” yourself so as not to fall into fear, stress, pressure or inner unrest. To slow down again and again.


frequency adjustment

Your own “frequency adjustment” in the >> Creation Healing Circle , in the >> Regeneration Healing Circle , as well as in the >> Healing Circle “Cosmos-Earth” can be a great support in bringing yourself back into inner balance, adapting to the high, incoming energies, integrating them, and thereby being able to let yourself fall into the new more easily.

2025, Vibration – Medicine – Health

Introduction of innovative technologies that will revolutionize our approach to healing and general well-being. A new understanding will emerge about the connection between our physical state and our mind with the vibrations of its thoughts, words and “mind-feelings”. Sound and frequency therapy will play a significant role in the medical field and provide new insights into the interplay between vibrational energy and health.

Recognizing and perceiving your own vibration and that of others will be a big topic in 2025. Perceiving how our own vibration is constantly changing. From a happy vibration, for example, to a deteriorating or depressive vibration and how we thereby influence ourselves, our environment and the new things that want to emerge. We are called upon to observe ourselves, to recognize ourselves. Self-care requires being aware of yourself in order to be able to recognize your own vibration.

Understanding frequencies and vibrations will not only improve our understanding of health and well-being, but will also pave the way for groundbreaking technologies in many fields. The integration of science and spirituality will also represent a significant milestone in human evolution.

As the veils become more transparent, more and more people will now begin to utilize and activate their hidden psychic abilities. This awakening will enable people to tap into their intuitive insights, establish a deeper connection with the spiritual world, and increase their understanding of the multidimensional nature of reality.


Physical body changes

The new awareness of the influence of vibration and frequencies will also lead to a new awareness of our body. The image of “our body as a spare parts warehouse” where parts can be replaced at any time is changing fundamentally.

We will be “nicer” to our body, take more care of it and its needs, learn to understand it better, be more communicative with it. It will be easier for us to recognize physical ailments and problems and understand where they are caused by the influence of low vibrations.

Our body is changing from a carbon-based body to a crystalline body. Many things with a low vibration, be it food or thought patterns and behaviors in the old 3D vibration, will become indigestible for it. We are called upon to achieve a higher vibration in every area of ​​our body. To make upgrades again and again.


body frequency adaptation

Here, too, our own “frequency adjustment” in the >> Creation Healing Circle , in the >> Regeneration Healing Circle , as well as in the >> Healing Circle “Cosmos-Earth” can be of great support to us.

Self-love – body love

Self-love and body love are also big themes in 2025. How can I love my body more and support it more in its process is a central question here. One possibility would be, for example, to involve our body more in many things in everyday life. To ask it and/or body parts questions. For example, “If I eat or do this or that, do you feel lighter and brighter?”
As we get much deeper into our feelings, get much deeper in touch with our intuition, this method will become more and more familiar and easier for us.


Great Healing of the “Victim-Perpetrator Dance”

It will also become easier for us to recognize what role we are still playing in the “victim-perpetrator dance” and when, in order to change it. The person who controls the other person still has an open self-esteem wound, just like the person who has taken on the role of victim. (Mirror law)

Lack of self-esteem is a major issue in the first 3 chakras. You can support yourself here with the >> cosmic chakra set , as well as with the “frequency adjustment” in the >> Creation Healing Circle , the >> Regeneration Healing Circle or the >> Healing Circle “Cosmos-Earth”

2025, the sum of the digits 9 – wisdom, completion, transformation

 9 is the high point of the cycles “sum of digits 1-9” and calls on us to let go of what no longer serves us and to integrate what we have learned, to complete something. This 9 also carries a completely new quality of earth energy and unites with the higher light quotients, the vibration of completion, wisdom and spiritual fulfillment. This supports us in realigning our individual and collective consciousness and, with it, in shedding the fear matrix.
Even if we are still in the demolition phase of the old 3D world, the new world is becoming more and more visible, the return to the divine matrix, the Christ matrix, a life in harmony with everything, is becoming more and more tangible.


Old knowledge is turned on its head

Everything that man ever thought he knew is being turned upside down to make room for the new, the new world. To this end, huge amounts of informed plasma are already being “infused” into our sphere.


2025 – Annual ruler Venus – changes, abundance, finances, freedom, partnership

Venus, also known as the planet of love, has become a symbol of feminine power for all of us. It symbolizes all kinds of connections, including those with ourselves. It embodies the beauty of existence, love, harmony, partnerships, abundance and finances. Even though the reign does not begin until March 21st, its energy can already be felt. Venus is a wonderful addition to the numerological vibration of the 9th.


2025 – the year of the Wood Snake – wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity, constancy

 According to the Chinese horoscope, the Wood Snake will be the ruler of the year 2025 from January 29th. The snake is a symbol of wisdom, luck, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. In combination with the element wood, this meaning is further enhanced. Snakes have a bright mind and are the thinkers and inventors among the Chinese zodiac signs. The year of the Wood Snake invites us to remain calm, to mature and to grow from challenges. To act in a solution-oriented manner and with inner calm and to show presence when the time comes. However, self-reflection will be an important prerequisite for us to develop further. But under the influence of the snake, this will succeed very well.

January 2025

January will be a dynamic, fast-moving month and will give 2025 an exciting start with massive solar and light wave infusions. Grounding will be our most important tool not only in this month, but also the strength of the foundation we have built over the past few years will be tested.


January 21st – six planets in a line

January 21st is a date that humanity will remember, as it is when 6 planets of our solar system – Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – will be in a line and visible in the sky. Even ancient astrologers knew that when the planets are in a line, their combined gravitational force will penetrate the cosmos, amplifying the signal of the universe and opening doors for manifestation, creativity and transformation. A similar constellation will not be seen again until September 8th, 2040.

We can think of it as a cosmic Wi-Fi. Everything we think, feel and say during this alignment can determine the course of the entire year. In January 2025, the planetary energies, as well as the solar storms, will intensify.


27.01. Mercury moves into Aquarius

and acts as a channel for higher intelligence. Its energy gives us access to higher timelines that allow us to question old thought patterns and transcend the boundaries of conventional thinking. To open the mind to multidimensional perspectives and to switch from egocentric thinking to collective, visionary thinking.


30.01 Uranus turns direct into Taurus

It will usher in a time of revolutionary change and true freedom. Uranus awakens, bringing with it the energy of lightning that strikes everything. Its energy helps shatter the illusions of limitation and inspire quantum leaps in consciousness.

Questions that will continue to concern us in 2025:

  • What do I really feel with my heart?
  • What am I still in resonance with “old” things that no longer serve me?
  • Where do I trust the old, why?
  • Where do I still follow things even though they cost me energy?
  • Where do I not act in the spirit of love, but still out of fear?
  • Which part of me is still afraid?
  • Which voice within me am I listening to?
  • Where am I still in the resistance?
  • Where am I not yet living my truth compass, my heart compass?
  • Who am I in contact with because I somehow profit from it?
    How do I treat my fellow human beings?
  • Do I give my fellow human beings the same respect and kindness that I want for myself?
    What can I change within myself to support the change on the outside?
  • What does it mean to love unconditionally and truly, how does that feel in my innermost space?
  • What are my next steps?

adaptation/ascension symptoms

As the old patterns of limitation dissolve, our bodies re-calibrate to absorb more light and align us with the divine blueprint of multidimensional existence.

Many people are currently experiencing major cleansing and detoxification – light healing crises – of low density, toxins, parasites, karma, energy blockages, disease and anything that does not align with the higher incoming light and frequencies.

As described at the beginning, it is important now to really tune in to your body and listen to it. To give yourself the time and space to move through the incoming upgrades, especially when they show up in the form of adaptation/ascension symptoms.



The massive waves of energy that are currently streaming in may be associated with:

  • noticeably increased pulse
  • heart palpitations, palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia
  • feeling of pressure on the chest
  • Blood pressure fluctuations (please consult a doctor if symptoms persist)
  • teeth grinding and jaw pulling
  • head pressure
  • Ears whistling, buzzing, rushing
  • energetic sneezing
  • Flu-like symptoms for a short time during the day
  • Changes in body temperature (cold and heat) in certain areas of the body
  • inner trembling and vibrating
  • impaired liver function
  • disturbed digestion/nausea
  • aversion to certain foods
  • Itchy and/or irritated skin
  • water retention
  • Restless legs
  • muscle twitching
  • neck tension
  • shoulder pain


  • altered sleep cycles (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.
  • intense dreams or nightmares due to deregulation of the pineal gland
  • Feelings of anxiety and inner restlessness can arise
  • forgetfulness, lack of concentration and fatigue
  • Sensitivity to strong smells and noises as well as to the energy of people
  • hyperactivity
  • loss of sense of time
  • increased intuition
  • increased contact with the higher self and other luminous beings

How can we support each other?

A healthy diet, as well as a healthy lifestyle, lots of pure water, exercise, stretching, grounding, juicing, yoga, breath work and/or meditation, observing fluctuations in thoughts and feelings and dwelling in higher thoughts and feelings, time in nature, practicing compassion and inner forgiveness for yourself and others, separating yourself from anything that seems energetically toxic or stressful, raising your own vibrational frequency and all the wonderful other natural healing methods and spiritual tools are a great help here to support our body in its processes.


Where I am unsure, especially with chronic health issues, it is a good idea to see a doctor to run some diagnostic tests, blood work, etc., just to make sure there is nothing going on that requires more attention.

Other wonderful options are:


frequency adjustment

Your own “frequency adjustment” in the >> Creation Healing Circle , in the >> Regeneration Healing Circle , as well as in the >> Healing Circle “Cosmos-Earth”  in order to  continually bring yourself into inner balance, to adapt to the high, incoming energies, to integrate them, and thereby to be able to let yourself fall more easily into the new.

Cleansing and clearing your aura bodies and chakras

  • Intensive chakra cleansing with the cosmic chakra set , for intensive chakra cleansing and realignment.
  • The Trinity Flame to  transform ancient negativity, primal injuries and/or information of abuse from the auric bodies.
  • Energized water  with the Faith also cleanses the subtle area.
  • When feelings and emotions become too strong, pay conscious attention to your breathing, make sure it goes deep into your stomach and feel every inch of your feet on the floor and the connection to the earth. Support yourself with the  >>> Guardian L  and the  grounding meditation

Clarification of physical and mental-emotional sensitivities, problems

  • The Trinity Flame , the great transformer for: primal injuries, primal pain, fears, abuse and for subtle spinal alignment.
  • The Flame, the first aid tool for: chronic and acute pain.  
  • The  Calming S  for: congestion, swelling, inner pressure, head pressure, migraines, rising anger and aggression against oneself and others
  • The Hope for: lack of energy, inner restlessness, sadness, depression, shock, great sadness and addictions

A fast, intensive and effective body-mind-soul hygiene

For this purpose, use the  Calming XL in the clear or gold set .
Place them around a chair with the long side facing the chair. Sit on the chair for 5 minutes and enjoy how everything that needs to be cleaned and neutralized is cleaned and neutralized.
Then place the 4 Calming with the slanted side facing the chair and enjoy for 5 minutes how your body systems are charged with new energy.


House Clearing – creating a healing environment

It is just as important to keep your environment, your apartment, your house, your workplace, etc. energetically clean and protected and to create spaces for yourself to “recharge” – healing oases. The sets of the  four Calmings (XL gold and clear )  are the great cleaners of stressful vibration information, electrosmog, a low vibration environment and other radiation pollution. >>> more info 

2025 , from separation and division to unity and compassion. May the year 2025 be the beginning of a new happy life for all of us on our beloved beautiful Earth!


With boundless respect and love for all of us


Nat. Manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner: holistic pain therapy, medial transformation coach, trauma therapy, energetic family/ancestral constellation work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, light energy work, room and house clearing

Do you need support on your path to healing? Then write to me privately at



Important note: 

If you are not sure whether you are experiencing ascension symptoms, have it checked by a doctor or alternative practitioner. We are obliged to note the following about our proven products with their subtle effects. The use of the products does not constitute therapy and does not replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. In particular, such treatments should not be discontinued.

