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Cosmic Energy Barometer February 2025


Cosmic Energy barometer  February 2025

Extreme light impacts – great desire for freedom – great waves of freedom – cleaning up, renewing, renewing , renewing

How “crazy” will it get?

The news is coming thick and fast. Now the changes are happening one after the other. Our inner world is also accelerating and spinning faster and faster. The incoming energies are electrifying and their possibilities are endless. Supported by the power of the new moon in Aquarius on January 29th, we can prepare ourselves for wonderful surprises. The pulsating energies of Aquarius: realizing big dreams, setting bold goals and acting confidently , because it thrives on innovation, independence and limitless potential.


How crazy will it get?

It remains exciting. Because with Uranus returning to direct motion on January 31st, we will probably find this current time very comfortable. The old systems are breaking up and completely new, light-filled conditions are being created. It is a time of accelerated, healing transformation, of renewal, of the urge for freedom. The increase in the frequency of the earth also contributes to changes now being felt more intensely and more quickly. Humanity is facing a major transition that lovingly forces us to let go of everything old and blocking. This also includes finally tackling personal issues, as well as those on the world stage, mastering them and taking new paths to freedom. Freed from dependencies, co-dependencies and expectations of other people, politicians and the state. Full speed ahead into personal responsibility and self-empowerment.


Higher-dimensional timelines

As higher-dimensional timelines flow into our consciousness, moods can now change quickly. Our temples of memories – our cells – in which the echo of our ancestors, our imprints from all our incarnations, as well as our stories of fear, lack, trauma and separation are engraved, now want to be seen and brought “home” to healing, just as our inner shadows rise to be recognized in the light. Old wounds emerge from the depths of our bodies, calling for transformation and resolution. The energy of the will to freedom can also be felt more and more in our bonds and relationships. Many bonds and relationships are being put to the test. The expression of our truth becomes more and more intense and at the same time we experience a new access to our own value, our soul light and our power and strength.

ascent storms

The “ascension storms” can now feel more intense and manifest as physical sensations such as ringing in the ears, bone and muscle pain, heaviness or heart palpitations and much more. They can also manifest themselves in heart expansion combined with ecstatic frequencies of happiness and joy.


Just as many people now feel the inner call to rise above themselves and observe things from a higher perspective, networking with like-minded and well-disposed people is also progressing exponentially.

Even if it seems that social coldness is spreading due to drastic measures, this can safely be seen as a last stand, because the cosmic spotlight is shining in the direction of peace, healing and compassion. We are entering the field of connection, as well as a new connection with ourselves. We are moving away from separation and division, and the silent, often subliminal manipulations are now perceived for what they are, manipulations that must be stopped.


January new moon

The January New Moon on January 29th invites us to focus on the joyful and light-filled visions of a “New World”. It also forms a beautiful trine to Jupiter and ushers in the Year of the Snake, an energy that brings renewal and rejuvenation through shedding.

The snake as a symbol of wisdom, luck, knowledge, intelligence, intuition and creativity. The year of the wood snake invites us to remain calm, to mature and to grow through challenges.

Trusting yourself and divine timing to clear the way for abundance, happiness and exciting new possibilities. It is a time of breakthroughs, clarity and empowerment. We have the chance to rise up, rewrite our story, let go of limitations, align with our true purpose, embrace our thirst for freedom and embrace exciting new possibilities.


high-frequency upgrade

We are also now receiving increased high frequency upgrades to all of our energy systems, allowing us to shift our old density and old survival and conditioning patterns tied to old timelines from our cellular memory.

Our old stories that we have carried with us for so long can now fall away like autumn leaves. It is the time of deep, healing transformations, the time to live our “quantum co-creator abilities” and choose timelines such as those of abundance, freedom and joy that we previously felt were unattainable. It is the time when we return more and more to our original, true expression every moment as we embody and align with our inner truth. We rise above the levels of suffering, pain and manipulation.

There is a great activation of our energy bodies into higher levels of consciousness. With our higher heart, our sacred stargate, we are also connected to the divine flow, the planetary grid and the heart of Mother Earth, which allows us to awaken the creation codes in our DNA and align with the frequency of unity, redefining our uniqueness and genius.

Yes, the winds of this change are getting stronger and can feel like a storm at times. Any resistance is futile here. It is easier to be like a tree shedding its old leaves.

Bonds – relationships – friendships – communities – jobs etc.

In the re-calibration of our lives, the new balance between freedom, work, partnerships, relationships and connections of all kinds and personal needs is now the top priority. This is also happening on the world stage. A balance supported by the heart energy and vibration of the higher dimensions is now emerging more and more.

It’s about truth and honesty. No more excuses, cheating or untruths. The idea of ​​superficial encounters and relationships will be a thing of the past, as will bonds and relationships based on dependencies and old power games. Free love, love from the heart, love without expectations, will take hold.


Bonds – relationships – friendships – communities etc.,

which are still based on old “security-fear-ego constructs” and “ego-personality” are all put to the test in order to be able to make the necessary changes. The point here is to recognize where and when I still act out of judgment, emotional or ego injuries.

Appreciation, heart energy, freedom and compassion, towards oneself and others, is the new bonding currency. Thanks to the ascent to higher levels of perception, it will now be easier for us to feel and recognize when we are “real” and authentic and when we speak and act from our hearts and soul essence.

It will also now be easier for us to recognize when and where we ourselves or other people are still being manipulative. Bending ourselves for something or for others. This applies in private as well as in society or in politics.

In order to bring bonds – relationships – friendships – communities, etc. into the higher energy octaves, we can ask ourselves the following questions:

  • When and in what ways am I not yet true to myself?
  • When and where do I “sell” myself?
  • When and where am I not yet living my true self?
  • Where am I still trapped in suffering and the mechanism of suffering?
  • When or where am I still stuck in karmic beliefs and behaviors?
  • Do my bonds, relationships, etc. still nourish me?
  • Do we have the same values ​​that come from the heart?

You can receive support in this process through >> the bridge>> the  Light Crystal Pyramids  and the >>Guardian L. 

In this area, the root and sacral chakras in particular can come to the fore and unresolved issues in these chakra can bubble to the surface. You can support yourself here with the  >> cosmic chakra set .

Emotional upheavals and the relationship with myself

Perceiving and feeling the relationship to myself, my self-esteem, my self-care, my self-confidence, my true greatness.

My relationship with myself is also being put to the test. What about my self-esteem? Where can I still delve into layers of old emotional injuries that keep me small and powerless in order to heal them? To step out of the victim-perpetrator-helper illusion. The   >> Guardian L and the Lights can support you here, (Self-confident, live your true greatness)


Where am I in my self-care?

How do I deal with myself? When and why do other people still come first for me? Where are there old wounds that still need healing? Wounds that affect my self-esteem and therefore my self-confidence and self-love? Get support from  >> Guardian L and the Lights.

Confidently living your true greatness

In the special webinar ( only in German) :

>> Live your true greatness with confidence    (Web: Selbstbewusst seine wahre Größe leben)

  • Accept and live your abilities and use them to improve the world, make it more beautiful
  • no longer hide your light under a bushel
  • no longer belittle / adapt
  • letting go of the fear that keeps us from living our true greatness
  • recognize and redeem deep imprints from childhood and inherited imprints from our ancestors

The more we follow our own path and awaken, the more a deep longing awakens within us. The longing for ourselves. Who am I really? Now is the time to let our light and our presence shine again, to live our true greatness again.

Find out in our 2-part webinar how you can sense your own presence and how wonderful it feels. What can make it smaller in the next moment or almost completely dissolve and how you can build it up again with the help of energetic techniques combined with the Light Crystals.


By using the healing circle >>”Cosmos-Earth ” combined with the >>Lights you can experience further intensive support in perceiving and living your true potential.


Intestinal problems and our hidden feelings of guilt and fears

The intestine as such stands for the processing, for the digestion of material and physical impressions, of emotions and thoughts, for the ability to flow. In its optimal, divine function, we have no need to control anything. We feel safe and trust in the flow of life.


Feelings of guilt are a major issue that can cause a disharmonious state and problems in the intestines. But fears, feelings of rejection, of not being important, loneliness, worries, lack of self-confidence, fear of survival, perfectionism, mistrust, dogmatic thinking are also part of it. Letting go of these issues, bringing them “home” to healing, will be a major issue for 2025.

Learn more at  :

>> The intestine and our psyche, what possibilities are there here  

In  the special webinar:  Only in German

>“Intestinal problems and our hidden feelings of guilt and fears

you will be shown ways in which you can resolve feelings of guilt and other issues that have manifested themselves in the intestinal area through certain energy techniques and light energy massages.


Grounding – how can I ground quickly and effectively?

 Grounding, currently the biggest daily “must”. In the current quality of time, it is extremely important that our subtle bodies and our physical bodies constantly feel the connection to Mother Earth. A connection that is only aimed upwards can lead to us stagnating in our spiritual development and negative energies as well as foreign energies can more easily creep into our field.

Not being grounded in the face of these high, incoming energies also means having little presence, having little charisma, losing focus on what is essential, hardly being able to organize one’s thoughts, imbalance, feeling overwhelmed, lacking motivation to implement projects, easily distracted, mental absence and a lack of basic trust.

The more grounded we are, the more connected we are to Mother Earth, the clearer, more powerful and more stable we are and the easier it is for us to integrate the cosmic energies for our spiritual growth and activate our media skills. It is therefore extremely important to check several times a day to what extent we are still grounded.

If you don’t have a method for grounding yourself yet, you can use the grounding ritual: “Crystal Grounding Meditation”. You can find it under:  Meditations – Rituals – Resolutions

Ascension Storms and Their Current Symptoms

Are you ready to embody the light of the new frequencies?


As we navigate through the powerful light-body activation, we are experiencing some massive changes and ascension symptoms in our bodies. Added to this are the energies entering the planetary grids, activating ley lines and connecting energetic pathways to star-gates and quantum gates.

Major changes take place in our bone structure, the fascia and the entire nervous system, which act as divine energy transmitters.


The body increases the temperature 

Due to these many movements and their processes in our physical body, our body temperatures also fluctuate. If it feels warm and hot, it usually corresponds to the burning of the old and the activation of our soul essence. Cold and icy sensations can mean that the soul is anchoring itself deeper in our body.



Dizziness can also become more frequent. There can be many reasons for this. One major reason is that our energy field and our MerKaBa are going through a deep activation. The faster the rotation is at the beginning, the more dizzy we can feel.



The whole thing is also connected to Chakra upgrades, especially in the brow/throat and Sacral Chakra areas, as we align ourselves with a higher, heart-led self-expression.


Ascension symptoms

All of this together is also the reason why many people can experience the following ascension symptoms: 

  • Imbalance of the nervous system due to the complete re-calibration of our body system
  • Feeling of rotation in the crown and forehead – the third eye receives rapid waves of light codes
  • Tooth, back, muscle and bone pain, old patterns and density dissolve in the cells and create space for new upgrades


  • excessive thirst
  • extreme fatigue
  • concentration problems
  • Difficulty staying present
  • Headache
  • burning eyes
  • throat congestion, need to clear throat
  • colds
  • ear beeping, rustling, buzzing
  • gingivitis
  • pressure on the chest
  • increased heart rate
  • heart palpitations
  • tingling in the joints
  • itching, skin cleansing
  • renal pelvis problems
  • loud intestinal noises, flatulence and partial constipation
  • stomach problems
  • strong feeling of hunger
  • feeling unsteady on your feet
  • clumsiness


  • expanded sensory perceptions
  • new language expression, words and thoughts of appreciation and love
  • dreamy vibrations
  • euphoria
  • states of happiness and joy
  • a deeper connection to the divine source
  • Frequency and the energy of forgiveness and gratitude for everything that has been
  • many things that were once dear to us now seem like unnecessary frills and ballast
  • Due to the increase in one’s own vibration, there is a “disconnection” from contacts (friends, acquaintances, colleagues, family), as the gap in vibrations and thus lived realities becomes ever larger. More and more “like-vibrating” people are found who support each other in the “raising”
  • increased telepathy
  • Abilities of clairaudience, clairvoyance and clairsentience are awakening more and more


  • the “falling of the masks”, everything that we are not, that is not authentic, falls away
  • all old behavioral-thinking-language-action habits and also emotional habits and co-dependencies want to be sorted out, as well as
  • bad habits, laziness and experiences of pain and sorrow
  • changed ways of thinking and behaving
  • the old world of “drawers, of pigeonholing” breaks down
  • intellectual changes
  • we increasingly realize that foreign words catapult us into the intellect, out of our perception
  • Mediumship means to be in feeling, in perceiving
  • always ask yourself what I am radiating out into the world

frequency adjustment

Your own “frequency adjustment” in the >> Creation Healing Circle , in the >> Regeneration Healing Circle , as well as in the >> Healing Circle “Cosmos-Earth  in order to  continually bring yourself into inner balance, to adapt to the high, incoming energies, to integrate them, and thereby to be able to let yourself fall more easily into the new.

Cleansing and clearing your aura bodies and chakras

  • Intensive chakra cleansing with the cosmic chakra set , for intensive chakra cleansing and realignment.
  • The Great Instrument of Transformation to  transform ancient negativity, primal injuries and/or information of abuse from the auric bodies.
  • Energized water  with the Faith also cleanses the subtle area.
  • When feelings and emotions become too strong, pay conscious attention to your breathing, make sure it goes deep into your stomach and feel every inch of your feet on the floor and the connection to the earth. Support yourself with the  >>> Guardian L  and the  grounding meditation

Clarification of physical and mental-emotional sensitivities, problems

  • The Great Instrument of Transformation the great transformer for: primal injuries, primal pain, fears, abuse and for subtle spinal alignment.
  • The Flame, the first aid tool for: chronic and acute pain.  
  • The  Calming S  for: congestion, swelling, inner pressure, head pressure, migraines, rising anger and aggression against oneself and others
  • The Hope for: lack of energy, inner restlessness, sadness, depression, shock, great sadness and addictions

A fast, intensive and effective body-mind-soul hygiene

For this purpose, use the  Calming XL in the clear or gold set .
Place them around a chair with the long side facing the chair. Sit on the chair for 5 minutes and enjoy how everything that needs to be cleaned and neutralized is cleaned and neutralized.
Then place the 4 Calming with the slanted side facing the chair and enjoy for 5 minutes how your body systems are charged with new energy.


House Clearing – creating a healing environment

It is just as important to keep your environment, your apartment, your house, your workplace, etc. energetically clean and protected and to create spaces for yourself to “recharge” – healing oases. The sets of the  four Calmings (XL gold and clear )  are the great cleaners of stressful vibration information, electrosmog, a low vibration environment and other radiation pollution. >>> more info 

Further support options

  • When feelings and emotions become too strong, pay conscious attention to your breathing, make sure it goes deep into your stomach and feel every inch of the soles of your feet and the connection to the earth. Support yourself with the  > > Guardian L and the >>Grounding Meditation
  • In addition to constantly balancing the high incoming energies and adapting our body systems to these energies, thought control and hygiene are an absolute must. We are entering a new world of thinking that no longer knows negative thoughts. Constantly observe which thoughts are currently creating my reality and nourishing the collective field.
  • How often are my thoughts negative or constructive towards myself and others? Support yourself here with the  >> dark blue energy wheels
  • Stop concentrating on what can happen and instead concentrate on what should happen for you. Free yourself from your thought carousel” with the help of the  >> light yellow regeneration wheel
  • The principle of saying “thank you.” Thank you for everything that is good, for every little thing. THANK YOU” is the greatest resonance principle of the heart that we know of, and it draws abundance into your life .

February 2025 – a month of great surprises on all levels. The new energies invite us to honor our journey here on earth with gratitude.

See and celebrate yourself as you embrace the higher timeline of abundance, love, connections, and infinite possibilities.


In Light and Love



Nat. Manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner: holistic pain therapy, medial transformation coach, trauma therapy, energetic family/ancestral constellation work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, light energy work, room and house clearing

Do you need support on your path to healing? Then write to me privately at



Important note: 

If you are not sure whether you are experiencing ascension symptoms, have it checked by a doctor or alternative practitioner. We are obliged to note the following about our proven products with their subtle effects. The use of the products does not constitute therapy and does not replace treatment by doctors or alternative practitioners. In particular, such treatments should not be discontinued.