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Ascension and Feng Shui

The room as a magnet for happiness, health and success


If you want to maintain more than just the energetic room climate, you can turn your living space into a magnet for a life of health, prosperity and abundance. The Feng Shui philosophy provides wonderful instructions for this. We are all cosmic beings and embedded in this. The cosmos provides us with everything we need or want. There is just a little trick. We have to align our system with it. Often we wish for something, but have unconsciously requested something else from the cosmos.

Because communication with the cosmos is holistic. We can wish for as much as we want through thoughts or words, but if our subconscious is focused on lack, confusion arises. Our subconscious also plays a large role in how we design our rooms. If we allow ourselves to be guided and consciously designed, we will also discover what is going on in our subconscious. Lack of thinking arises from old patterns of upbringing, from ways of thinking that we have adopted. In the home, this shows itself, for example, in the neglect of the southeastern part of the apartment.

Feng Shui and room acupuncture

Feng Shui offers us room acupuncture to get out of the dilemma. We activate the area of ​​life that has come to a standstill by filling the area of ​​our living or business premises with certain symbols, geometric representations and bodies. This area is reflected in our brain zones. They understand the shapes, colors and symbol language. Every life theme has its place in a certain brain region. Since we are in a constant exchange of information between space and brain via the eyes, introducing specific elements into the room generates an impulse in the brain. The brain zone is stimulated again and again. These brain zones are paralyzed by the experiences we have had up to that point, traumas, educational measures, learned and unconsciously absorbed beliefs.

If they become active again, life will get going again!

The location of life themes in the home and business area is determined by the direction of the compass. We are cosmic beings and connected to this. Every life theme has a direction in the cosmos. Activating these directions is comparable to setting the station on the radio. In this case, we are the radio (receiver). The clearer the language, the clearer the reception. With Ascension, implementation is easier than ever.

Note: In individual cases, with very deep-seated trauma, there may be a reluctance to set up the suggested tools. In this case, it is recommended to also set healing impulses on the soul level. Otherwise, the first successes are immediately noticeable. If you write down everything that happens after the activation and read it after a few months, you will be amazed.


For those in a hurry, Ascension offers effective room acupuncture tools. Please never activate more than 2 areas of life. Otherwise you will be overwhelmed. It is recommended to activate opposite sectors at the same time. Storage rooms and bathrooms are left out.

A space clearing beforehand is in keeping with the Feng Shui philosophy. As is creating order and cleaning the physical matter. More under “space clearing”. Then simply start with the topic that is most “urgent”. You can find an overview of the topics and areas here. Simply choose what appeals to you.

Family – Health – Prosperity (East, South-East)

The East sector of the home is associated with health and the family. The east sector of the business premises is responsible for the market presence of a company. The areas in the south-east reflect prosperity and success. Important! Side rooms are excluded from  the activation. To activate these areas, place the blue pyramid, the green pyramid (60×60 and/or 80x80mm) and the Calming clear XL set in the rooms facing east and south-east.

Recognition and reputation ( South)

are reflected in the south sector of residential and business premises, they are activated by placing there the green pyramid and the multicoloured pyramid in 60x60mm and/or 80x80mm.


Fulfilled partnership (south-west)

For a fulfilling partnership, including a business partnership, it is helpful to place 2 small multicoloured pyramids or 2 large multicoloured pyramids. ‘The bridge’ is the partnership symbol.

Creativity, further education and promotion, desire to have children ( West, North-West)

The themes of creativity, learning and teaching, finding sponsors, preparing new projects, but also the child or children as a ‘new project’ are supported by the activation with the pyramids clear and golden in 60x60mm and/or 80x80mm, the bridge and the Calming Set XL golden in the west and north-west.


Life planning, career choice, career ( north)

The life journey or life planning, finding a job and career are easier through activation with the blue and golden pyramid in 60x60mm and/or 80x80mm, the bridge and the golden Calming Set XL.

Regina Petra Schulz.

(Ascension-Master, Feng Shui-Consultant, Energeticist, Architect)