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Light-energy jaw-jaw joint massage


Light-energy jaw-jaw joint massage

Jaw and chin

In their balance, the jaw and chin stand for “being able to bite through in heart energy”. Above all, they have to do with our true strength and our power and how we realize this in our lives. The jaw gives us the strength to integrate life and symbolizes the strength of will and perseverance. The chin symbolizes how I use my willpower.


The jaw is divided into right/left and upper and lower.

The right upper jaw symbolizes the future. The themes can be found here: Worries about the future, fear of the future, lack of future security in terms of career, family and will there be enough money.

The left upper jaw represents the past and the willingness to resolve conflicts.

The right lower jaw stands for all issues in the “here and now” and our current drive, the ability to tackle and take action.

The left lower jaw stands for the “right” reason and the “right” wait-and-see attitude. If you slow yourself

Persistent discomfort

Persistent discomfort in the jaw can be an emotional/mental indication of “swallowed” anger and rage that makes us clench our teeth in order not to explode.  A regular light-energy massage is recommended here, such as the TMJ massage combined with an energetic “facelift” before going to bed, for example, with the >>Three Fold Flame , the great transformer.


The >>Guardian L as well as the >>clear Light can also be a great support here.

The teeth on the corresponding side of the jaw still have their own themes, but are embedded in the basic initial base of the respective side of the jaw. >>> further information about the individual teeth


Light-Energy massages

Light-energy massages are performed in awareness of the unity and interaction of body, mind, and soul. They are important light nourishment for our cells. The jaw and temporomandibular joint light massage is practised with one or two Three Fold Flames and supported by other light crystals.


The Three Fold Flame  is guided in calm and mindful movements, in circles, stroking or gently pressing and/or in vibrating movements in the energy field of the body, the aura or directly on the body.


The light and healing impulses as well as the transforming effect of the light crystals unfold deep into the cell consciousness, which can bring about rapid improvement on a mental/spiritual and physical level. The cells are flooded with energy and the flow of energy is promoted. Emotional “ballast” can be released, blood circulation can improve, and tension and pain can be healed. Organ functions can be strengthened and the regeneration of the body supported.


Would you like to know more and delve deeper into the application and effects of the Great Instrument of Transformation? Learn the new, very special Light-Energy work and Light-energy massage?  Privately or as an additional offer in your professional activity, in your practice? Then visit our seminars or our training courses. Only in German   >>> read more

in light and love

Jutta Pangratz


Nat. Manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner in her own practice.

Holistic pain therapy, psychological surgery, karmic, family, ancestral constellation/resolution work, trauma work, aura surgery acc. G. Klügel, holistic, spiritual coaching, energetic house cleaning. I would be happy to accompany you on your path to healing

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