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What is Ascension?

Everyone is striving to achieve happiness and to be in harmony. The Ascension products create a connection between the perfect harmony that was present at the beginning of creation and our physical world. On the human level, this results in –

  • Improved memory
  • Greater happiness
  • Greater peace and harmony
  • Reduced friction and turmoil
  • Greater perception
  • Greater awareness
  • Greater Love
  • Higher fertility
  • Increased energy

The earth and the whole of humanity have been in a process of change for many years now, which will lead us to great economic as well as societal changes. We are all subjected to these changes. It is now a time which allows for new doors to open and offers great support to enter this process. Ascension is one path to enter this process with ease.

Ascension means “The action of going or coming up”, to ascend from the grey, daily grind into a higher state of consciousness and a new quality of life. It also means to recognize the connection between thoughts, state of mind and the outer world. This is where the quality of life begins. The Light-Crystal products from Ascension may support us to re-establish our inner order. They are catalysts and healing friends along the way to:

  • Inner balance and harmony
  • Healing and growth
  • Increased health and vitality
  • Relaxed success and “healthy” business

The balancing and harmonizing effects of the Light-Crystal tools is also beneficial to animals, plants and helps to create a healthy and energized room atmosphere.

Ascension instruments are made out of high-quality glass, which is 60-80% quartz, unleaded. They are ALL handmade in small factories in the Czech Republic. You can see some of the craftsmanship in the photos below.

Since they are hand- made it is therefore to be expected that sometimes there will be slight variations and/or bubbles present in the glass. This does not affect their ability to conduct energy.