MerKaBa – Light Body – Light Vehicle
The MerKaBa was considered early on to be a divine light vehicle that transported people from one dimension to the next. It is a living field of light, a field of creation, a multidimensional vehicle of light for traveling through time and space, which is necessary to get from the 3rd to the 5th dimension. You can imagine it as a kind of spiritual “spaceship”. Everyone and everything has a personal MerKaBa field.
The MerKaBa and the Universe
MerKaBa is the pattern with which the unconscious created the entire universe. Every part of creation uses it. Plants, animals and galaxies. In humans, it consists of a star tetrahedron that is the same for everyone, but specific to each in terms of its size.
The MerKaBa our light vehicle
We know from research that although we physically lie in bed and sleep at night, we travel far in our dream worlds. In order to travel, we need a vehicle. Physically, airplanes help us reliably overcome distances, but limited in kilometers and time. In order to be able to cover completely different distances in space and time in relatively short sleep windows, we need a completely different means than an airplane. For this, the higher intelligence created the MerKaBa. Let’s start with the meaning of the name. It is made up of:
“Mer” = light / “Ka” = spirit / “Ba” = body
MerKaBa – Star Tetrahedron
What does the light-spirit-body mean for us? What does it help us to do? As the subtitle shows, the MerKaBa consists of a star tetrahedron. The star tetrahedron consists of two tetrahedrons pushed into each other. For women, the female triangle is placed at the front with the tip pointing downwards, for men the male triangle is placed with the tip pointing upwards.
The tetrahedron is one of the five Platonic solids from sacred geometry, which we already know in connection with the light crystal tools of Ascension. In the middle, between the upper and lower tips, there is a tube through which people can absorb their prana, the universal life energy. The diameter of this tube corresponds to the diameter of our thumb and index finger when brought together in a ring
MerKaBa – Aura – Chakras
The field of the MerKaBa is more subtle than that of the aura and the chakras. It is ten body lengths in diameter. In it, the electrical mental field and the magnetic emotional field rotate in opposite directions at a specific speed ratio, which means that thoughts are realized more quickly in reality. MerKaBa meditation is one of many possibilities for accelerated personality development.
Activation of MerKaBa
Activation of the MerKaBa vehicle is required to achieve eternal life, to be able to travel through time and to pass through star gates. This process of constant attunement to the nature and vibration of the universe allows for a very deep experience of the truth about the inter-connectedness of all life.
MerKaBa fields allow us to “move” – actually, “expand” and gradually ascend – into the next series of dimensional fields of existence. We and everything has a personal MerKaBa field. When the microcosmic personal MerKaBa field is functioning naturally, it connects to the larger macroscopic MerKaBa fields of the planets, galaxies, universes and the entire cosmos.
The personal MerKaBa field
If we ask ourselves the trendy question “What do I get out of it? What do I gain from it?”, the answer is this: The MerKaBa meditation picks us up there and gradually transports us into the fourth-dimensional Christ consciousness of “What can I do in this situation for the benefit of all living beings?”
The personal MerKaBa field represents the organic personal merkabic circuitry through which consciousness manifests in space-time-matter. The MerKaBa can best be described as a golden ball of light. Activation of this ball of light is one of the most important processes after completion of ascension.
Like most meditations, daily MerKaBa meditation leads to inner peace and balance, which can quickly have an effect on our environment. The majority of meditators gain a greater sense of inner security. The manifestation of our thoughts can lead to our health recovering, our financial well-being improving, our deepest desires being fulfilled and us receiving rewards we never thought possible.
Activate your MerKaBa with the MerKaBa ball and the cube – more information
Experience report and visible changes in energies in the application of the MerKaBa ball
On January 11th I was able to receive my MerKaBa ball. I was so excited. Shortly before the post office delivered it, I took a measurement using the NILAS measuring method. I took the MerKaBa ball out of its very attractive packaging. An energy flowed through my hands, despite the very cold ball. Our greeting was very intimate. A beam went through my spine and a feeling as if drawers were being opened. My hands were hot even though the ball was cold as ice. I decided to do a meditation with the MerKaBa ball. An indescribable feeling of bliss flowed through my body. A beautiful energy spread through my heart, as if a flower slowly opens until it fully blooms. A feeling of well-being went through my whole body, which I enjoyed for a while. I could have stayed like that for hours. In such a short time, a change in energy on all levels is visible with the NILAS measuring method. The MerKaBa ball is a gift for everyone, especially now in this very challenging time of change. Beate Regler – Uckermark – Ascension Partner – Energeticist
In love
Beate Regler, Jutta Pangratz, Andreas Moser
Sources and further links:
Literature (excerpt):
Jan van Helsing: “Secret Societies”
Jasmuheen: “Light Food”
Drunvalo Melchizedek: Flower of Life Volume 1 and 2