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Light-energy massage/ energetic facelift

Light-energy massage/ energetic facelift


Ascension Academy Germany



Energetic Facelift

Our face – the mirror of our soul


A face is always beautiful when it is relaxed and at ease. As the link between body, mind, soul and the outside world, the face is also a reflection of the life we live. Joy, happiness, but also stress and worries are expressed in it. There is a great longing for relaxation, harmony and inner contentment, which is reflected in the face.

Positive energy and light are needed to regenerate the face and eyes. This innovative revitalising light energy massage – wellness for the face and eyes gently stimulates tense and contracted muscles. Its light can penetrate into the very centre of every single cell.


It stimulates the flow of energy, helps to release energetic blockages and can therefore bring about deep relaxation and regeneration of the eyes, facial skin and facial muscles. Even during the light energy massage, a feeling of letting go and being relaxed can be felt. The overall appearance of the skin improves, elasticity and vigour return to the tissue and the face regains its youthful appearance.


This light energy massage is practised with the Ascension Trinity Flame and supported with other Light-Crystal tools. The facelift can be learnt in intensive seminars as well as in the training to become an Ascension Master, Energetic and Light Healer of the New Age.

Dreifaltigkeitsflamme - energetisches Facelifting

Would you like to know more and delve deeper into the application and effects of the Great Instrument of Transformation? Learn the new, very special Light-Energy work and Light-energy massage?  Privately or as an additional offer in your professional activity, in your practice? Then visit our seminars or our training courses. Only in German   >>> read more

In light and love

Jutta Pangratz


Nat. manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner in her own practice,

Holistic pain therapy, psychological surgery, karmic, family, ancestral constellation/resolution work, trauma work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel. G. Klügel, holistic, spiritual coaching, energetic house cleaning. I would be happy to accompany you on your path to healing.

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