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Energetic-emotional spinal straightening

Energetic-emotional spinal straightening

Ascension Academy Germany

The spine – our supporting pillar. The spine is our mirror for our physical and spiritual well-being, our control centre to which everything is connected; the nervous system, control center, the respiratory and digestive organs, the sensory organs, the teeth, glands, arms, legs, etc. If you look at the spine from the subtle level, it has the function of a memory store.


…… It is the memory store of the soul!

Experienced situations, as well as negative thoughts and feelings, emotional injuries, constant worry, anger, fear or unresolved conflicts, which can reach back into the prenatal period and past lives, are stored in the spine and can block the free flow of life energy. If the load we are carrying becomes too heavy, the spine can react, which can manifest itself in tension and displacement of the vertebrae. The consequences can be

  • Curvature of the spine
  • Problems/pain in the neck area
  • Pelvic misalignment
  • Differences in leg length
  • Sciatica
  • Inter-vertebral disc problems
  • Recurrent back problems
  • Skin issues

The spine – a channel for higher forms of light and energy

Our spine is not only our structural support, it is also a channel for the higher forms of light and energy. During the downloading of these higher forms of light and energy, the spine can begin to vibrate wherever it is blocked by old emotions that have built up. This can lead to discomfort and pain in its vibrational alignment.


Emotional spinal straightening, which is practised using a special light-energy massage technique with two trinity flames and the de-congesting power of Calming XL, allows old structures to dissolve bit by bit and new, light-filled energies to find space again. This allows the cells to be flooded with energy, realign themselves and release tension and pain. The vertebrae are given the opportunity to slide back into their natural position. The inner growth process at the level of consciousness is also sustainably strengthened. The life force can flow freely again and peace, radiant health and a new inner fullness can develop.


The energetic spinal alignment can be learnt in intensive seminars, as it is also part of the training to become an Ascension Master, Energetics and Light Healer of the New Age.

You can gain your first experience in the webinar: Emotional Spinal Realignment. To the next seminar/ Wenimar dates. Only in German

The spine and its internal programs

Our entire spine contains various programs.

L5, the lowest vertebra, for example, is connected to our sacrum and contains flexibility in our relationships, stands for security, but also for not feeling like you belong, feeling different, for being nailed down and stubborn, feelings of guilt, prostate disorders, lumbago, sciatica/sciatica.

L4 is the seat of our emotions, especially grief, feeling rejected, lack of security, fear of failure and fear of losing control.

L3 is about acceptance by our families and communities, but also about self-denial, ‘bending over backwards for something’ or feelings of panic.

In light and love

Jutta Pangratz


Nat. manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner in her own practice,

Holistic pain therapy, psychological surgery, karmic, family, ancestral constellation/resolution work, trauma work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel. G. Klügel, holistic, spiritual coaching, energetic house cleaning. I would be happy to accompany you on your path to healing.

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