Energetic-emotional spinal straightening
Ascension Academy Germany
The spine – our supporting pillar. The spine is our mirror for our physical and spiritual well-being, our control centre to which everything is connected; the nervous system, control center, the respiratory and digestive organs, the sensory organs, the teeth, glands, arms, legs, etc. If you look at the spine from the subtle level, it has the function of a memory store.
…… It is the memory store of the soul!
Experienced situations, as well as negative thoughts and feelings, emotional injuries, constant worry, anger, fear or unresolved conflicts, which can reach back into the prenatal period and past lives, are stored in the spine and can block the free flow of life energy. If the load we are carrying becomes too heavy, the spine can react, which can manifest itself in tension and displacement of the vertebrae. The consequences can be
- Curvature of the spine
- Problems/pain in the neck area
- Pelvic misalignment
- Differences in leg length
- Sciatica
- Inter-vertebral disc problems
- Recurrent back problems
- Skin issues