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Acupuncture without needles

Acupuncture without needles


Ascension Academy Germany

 Light-Energy work with the Flame

Stimulation of energy points from acupuncture, gentle and effective.


Our entire body is criss-crossed by energy pathways, meridians. Energy points, and acupuncture points, are located on these pathways. According to Far Eastern healing teachings, the energy in these pathways must be able to flow freely so that we feel emotionally balanced and healthy.


If a person suffers from stress, unresolved conflicts, fears, addictions or trauma, the flow of energy is disrupted and this can lead to complaints/problems on a physical, mental or spiritual level.

Activating energy points with the Flame of Ascension is a technique that is used enthusiastically in alternative medicine. It is used to prevent and alleviate many everyday ailments.


This technique can be learned in just a few steps and used at any time, whether at home, in the office or on the move. You work in the body’s energy field over the respective energy points. Disrobing is therefore not necessary. The flame is the first aid tool for chronic and acute complaints and sensitivities.

Stimulate helpful energy points in everyday life

  • Energy point for inner calm, balance and stability: 3 cm below the navel
  • Head energy point: opening and releasing pressure and tension in the head area – it is located at the highest point of the head, starting from the tips of both ears towards the centre of the head, where the fingers meet again.
  • Energy point for back problems: it is located on the left and right foot between the outer ankle and the Achilles tendon.
  • Both feet must be worked on if you have back problems.

The difference to acupuncture is that no needles are used for this stimulation. You work with the Flame, the first aid tool, directly in the energy field, approx. 5-15 cm above the acupuncture points.

This is done in circular or swinging movements. The photos above show you how. The range of applications for working with the Flame is very broad. It has a supportive effect on emotional, physical and mental complaints. Children and animals also love this type of energetic light-energy session.


Acupuncture without needles can be learnt in intensive seminars, as it is also part of the training to become an Ascension Master, Energetics and Light Healer of the New Age.


The next seminar dates Only in German

In light and love

Jutta Pangratz


Naturopath, holistic pain therapy, emotional, karmic and ancestral constellation work,

spiritual coaching – aura surgery acc. G. Klügel and Nat. Manager Ascension Germany). I am happy to accompany you on your path to healing.

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