Horses – Light Crystals – Light Energy Work
… new dimensions in their personal development, well-being and recovery
… new dimensions in their personal development, well-being and recovery
Light-Crystal tools and horses
Horses are very healing animals. They help us humans to find our purpose and to be in the here and now. And they have the ability to look into our heart and soul with their energy, to see through the masks we usually still wear. By instantly sensing our energies, horses can show us our true inner attitude in a matter of seconds. Their close bond with us humans, which often involves taking on many of our problems, disharmonious energies in stables and their own unresolved emotional conflicts also create blockages in their energy system.
Horses and light-energy healing
This does not only happen with private horses, in competition sport or in the field of therapeutic riding. It has now also become quite normal to ensure positive, harmonious and regenerative stable energy. Animals in particular have a much closer relationship to their body and its energy field than us “intellectual” humans and show positive changes very quickly. Energy work can stimulate the animal on various energy levels and initiate a healing process. But prophylactic treatment can also prevent illnesses and visibly improve the general condition. Energetic techniques, such as light-energy work and light-energy massages with the Ascension Light-Crystal tools, are increasingly used with horses with great success.
Areas of application of the Light-Crystal Tools for horses
The Light-Crystal Tools have a preventative effect and provide support on a spiritual level. They are guided in circular and vibrating movements at a distance of 5-20 cm in the horse’s energy field/aura or applied directly to the body. You:
support in the resolution of:
We recommend the Trinity Flame, Calming XL, Energy Wand, Voice and the small hearts. Further information on the Light-Crystals.
have a balancing and harmonising effect:
We recommend the Light-Crystal Pyramids, the Trinity Flame, the Energy Rod, the Chakra Set, the Bridge and the Calmings XL. Further information on the Light-Crystals.
The LightCrystal tools as support for/ for/ in:
The Light-Crystal tools are an excellent prophylaxis for the hocks of jumping and dressage horses.
Tension pain in the
Supportive for healing processes of:
Rooms – stables – competition environment – during transport for calming, etc.
Create an optimal harmonious, regenerating and vitalising energy with the LightCrystal pyramids.
Energy work and energy processes with the Light-Crystal tools
Documented below
This 9-year-old gelding had problems cantering under the rider and was reluctant to be saddled. The thermal image showed clear temperature differences in the hip area. This was visualized by the red spots, the lower temperature and the disturbed energy flow. After just one application, where I worked particularly with the flame, the energy flow normalized.
The cold spots disappeared. The horse galloped visibly better under the rider and after a short time no longer had any problems with saddling. Thermal image before and after using the Light-Crystal tools.
Back problems with the horse
Problems with the hock joint
This 7-year-old mare was clearly lame at the rear right. The thermal image showed increased temperature values in the hock. After one application, where I worked particularly with the small Calming and the flame, the thermal image in the hock normalized. The energy flow was restored and the horse was no longer lame.
In light and love
Jutta Pangratz
Naturopath, holistic pain therapy, psychological surgery, karmic, family, ancestral constellation and dissolution work, trauma work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, holistic spiritual coaching, energetic house cleansing and Nat. G. Klügel, holistic, spiritual coaching, energetic house cleaning and Nat. Manager Ascension Germany. I am happy to accompany you on your path to healing.
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