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Heart Consciousness – Higher Self versus Ego and Mind

Heart Consciousness – Higher Self versus Ego and Mind


 Live consciously from your heart again and make quantum leaps in your development

  • What if you just lived from your heart, every second?
  • What if you only do what you really want, what your heart beats for… no ifs and buts?
  • What if your ego tuned into the heart energy?
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It is our mind and our ego, combined with our fears, that will always try to steer us into old paths, into old structures and keep us there. Who immediately come up with the greatest arguments as to why this particular thing cannot be done, is nonsensical, or, or, or.

Many people know it all too well. Added to this is a need for control that has not yet been relieved, a great deal of top-heavyness and the associated hesitation, doubt and the inner resistance to stepping out of this. The  >>> light yellow progress energy wheel, also called the resistance wheel,   could be of great support to you here. 

But in the quality of time we find ourselves in now, our higher self is knocking more and more often on our inner closed doors and wants to take over. We feel it in situations where everything is easy and simple, everything feels very loving and you are completely relaxed. These are the moments when we act completely from our heart and in connection with our higher self.

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All people are in the process of inner opening and everyone decides which path they want to take and what they still want to hold on to. Such as: old influences, inner barriers, old moral concepts and evaluation parameters, old fears, conditions of limitations and lack, as well as habits that are no longer useful, “ego desires”, energetic entanglements, etc. And everyone determines for themselves, what his path should be, challenging and strenuous or easy and bright. The energy of the 5th dimension/level of consciousness into which we move is unconditional trust in everything that is, in everything that comes. Simply use the wonderful opportunities that this time gives us to transform what keeps your heart door closed and your higher self standing at the door.

Support yourself with conscious thought hygiene by observing yourself and noticing where you are holding on to old things. Accept it and then allow yourself to go into the change, transformation.
The   >>>  Lights from Ascension as well as the violet light crystal pyramid can be of great help to you here.
The new  >>> violet light crystal pyramid from Ascension … finds the smallest loophole to your heart and supports you in opening up to your heart energy in order to connect with the higher octaves of the new time.

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With light and love
Jutta Pangratz 

Alternative practitioner, holistic pain therapy, psychological surgery, karmic, family, ancestral constellation and dissolution work, trauma work, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, holistic, spiritual coaching, energetic house cleaning and Nat. Manager Ascension Germany.

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