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Energy Barometer December 2023


The Cosmic

Energy Barometer

December 2023

Clearing out and magical time

What a “de-cluttering” many of us are going through right now. A magical time…Right now our physical body is undergoing a profound upgrade to align with the higher dimensions of Earth’s crystalline consciousness. The clearing up of old traumas from generations as well as our ancestors, on an individual and collective level, is more than clearly noticeable. The current influx of planetary frequencies has reached unprecedented levels. The earth is flooded with enormous amounts of powerful and high-frequency energies.
The associated major cleansing process, which supports the release of toxic residues from cellular memories, keeps us and especially our bodies on our toes.

A little side information, since I’m in the middle of preparing for the  big Ascension light/angel event , there’s only enough time for a shortened version of the energy barometer.

…our profound journey

into the realms of higher consciousness, which also has a major influence on our digestive system.
Starting on November 29th, we will receive very strong solar storm waves from the central sun of our galaxy for the next 14 days. They are powerful frequencies that are radiated into our energy body and represent re-calibration and renewal on all levels. They can be accompanied by massive ascension symptoms and can also lead to many insights and new clarity. We are in a galactic activation portal. These energies will push us higher.

Current ascension symptoms on our journey

It can happen that the entire digestive tract rebels, no matter how much or little food we eat. This can show up in:

  • increased flatulence
  • I feel bloated
  • or a rock hard abdominal region
  • Stomach problems, stomach cramps
  • heartburn
  • nausea
  • Feeling of heaviness
  • massive dizziness
  • Numbness or burning throughout the mouth area
  • aching teeth
  • Sinus problems without having a cold
  • aching teeth, gums
  • Change during menopause
  • Water accumulation


Feeling stiff and immobile

  • painful joints, especially the shoulders
  • …old, restrictive burdens want to be let go. You can support yourself here with the large transformer, the Great Instrument of Transformation and the light energy massage.


Massive bouts of fatigue and/or lying awake between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m

The high incoming energies want to be integrated and for this the body needs rest. At the same time, it may be that the body cannot be in the dream state for too long due to ongoing, conscious inner healing work. Even if it’s difficult for you, don’t worry. It is a good way to support your body in the healing work. You can support this process, for example, with the >> heart pyramid ritual and/or >> increase your heart energy .


Childhood memories and trauma

Internal, stressful childhood memories and certain traumas are now increasingly coming to the surface in order to be healed. Here too, use the light energy massages with the Great Instrument of Transformation.

You can also support yourself with these rituals by sitting in the circle of the 4 Calmings clear or gold, whose cleansing, clarifying and constructive energy field greatly promotes these healing processes.


Increased sensitivities

The division in the collective that is now clearly visible allows us to see how lower dimensional behaviors weaken us. It can also be that an intolerance towards things and people with low vibrations sets in. The important thing here is to stay in love. An increased sensitivity to crowds of people, loud music, people who speak very loudly or bright artificial light can also occur.


This increased sensitivity can be associated with:

  • the desire to withdraw
  • a higher connection
  • Connection to the spiritual world
  • the desire for silence
  • looking for comfort
  • the urge for realignment and reflection
  • the feeling of going crazy
  • and the feeling of not belonging here
  • Memory loss


The third eye chakra expands

  • This can be accompanied by head pressure and migraine attacks. The empathetic supernatural abilities are also becoming more and more activated. 
  • Light energy massages with the voice , combined with “ pull-out massages” with calming, can be of great support to you here.


Timeline collapses

While the energies are very intense right now, old cycles are closing and new timelines are opening. This collapse of the old timeline and the anchoring of the new timelines can lead to challenging situations on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, as well as helping us overcome deep-seated fears and make conscious decisions.


Artificial matrix

What we are now receiving in terms of high energies also supports us in recognizing and cutting through the shackles into which we were forced, in getting out of the fields of illusions and the artificially created matrix and in anchoring ourselves in the new.



The big topic, “interpersonal relationships,” also takes up a lot of space in December. Relationships of all kinds continue to be put to the test. This is also about truth, honesty, love that knows no expectations. And about looking, how do I still deal with conflicts? From which level of consciousness – 3D or already from the energy of 5D – am I operating here? How far I realize that it is about living more love!


A constant roller-coaster of emotions

Healing – activation – healing…
Record amounts of incoming light will keep this rhythm going for the next few weeks. We are all on a journey to something higher, to higher dimensions/levels of consciousness, to a new “WE-CONSCIOUSNESS”.

Resting and taking time for yourself are magical rituals during this time.

  • Rest as much as you can, be in nature, do breathing exercises.
  • When feelings and emotions become too strong, pay conscious attention to your breathing so that it goes deep into your stomach and feel every centimeter of the soles of your feet and the connection to the earth. Support yourself with the  >> Guardian L  and the  >>grounding meditation
  • In addition to constantly balancing the high incoming energies and adapting our body systems to these energies, mind control and hygiene are an absolute “must”. Observe yourself again and again, which thoughts do I use to create my reality and nourish the collective field.
  • How often are my thoughts degrading (negative) or constructive towards myself and others. Support yourself here with the  >>> dark blue energy wheels
  • Stop concentrating on what can happen, but rather on what should happen for you. Free yourself from your thought carousels” with the help of the  >>> light yellow regeneration wheel
  • The “principle of saying thank you.” Thank you for everything that is good, for every little thing. THANK YOU” is the greatest heart resonance principle known to us, and it attracts abundance into your life .
  • Use silent meditation in an uplifting “energy bath” in the large  creation/healing circle or in the small regeneration circle of Ascension.
  • You can also use the individual energy/creation wheels for inner emotional “breakthroughs”.
  • Especially in the case of dizziness, anxiety and panic attacks, cardiac arrhythmia, depression, excessive tiredness and lack of energy, it is recommended to take 5-10 minutes every now and then and place the  >>> cosmic chakra set  in its “holder” directly on the solar plexus to lay. After a short time, a balancing of the chakras and the entire energy system and an integration of the new energies can be felt

Have a light and contemplative time for your journey into higher spheres of consciousness.

In light and love


Nat. Manager Ascension Germany and alternative practitioner, holistic pain therapy, karmic family and ancestral constellation/dissolution work, trauma therapy, aura surgery according to G. Klügel, emotional aura surgery, transformation coach, energetic house cleaning.

Do you need support on your path to healing?  email