These can be triggers for reduced performance, increased susceptibility to health problems, sadness or aggressive behaviour, to name but a few. Many animal lovers have confirmed how valuable a very simple “light-energy massage”, for example, is and how, after a short time, a new vitality and positive signs of recovery can be seen in their animals.
Setting light-ful healing impulses
The holistic approach to a living being is becoming increasingly popular today. Especially in the animal sector, energetic, “alternative” methods such as acupressure, homeopathy, Bach flowers, Reiki or light-energy work have proven to be very helpful and effective. The central aim of energetic methods is to harmonize the body’s own energy balance. The animal’s “inner” doctor should be activated in order to restore the flow of blocked life energy in cells, organs and on a spiritual level. Experience has shown that animals accept the intensive energetic healing energies/healing impulses very gratefully, joyfully and unconditionally. This enables quick and long-lasting effects to be achieved.
And this is precisely where the LightChrystal tools from Ascension come in. Their high resonance vibration supports the self-healing process by setting impulses in every cell that awaken the memory of its original function and order. Regeneration and healing on a spiritual, mental and physical level can thus begin and be accelerated.